yvonne morell


Hi and welcome

My name is Yvonne Morell and I am so happy that you are visiting!

I am a mixed media artist and love to share my passion. You find my paintings regularly exhibited, I accept commissions and love to share my skills in the form of classes workshops and online classes.

If you wish to visit my studio to check out my latest creations, enroll in a class, or simply would like to browse through my website, be my guest!


Studio news: PORTE OUVERTE - 2 mars 2025


Le livre peut être acheté à l’atelier ou un envoi en Europe est possible. (cliquer ici.)


My collections



It is such a pleasure to go out, sketch and observe people in everyday life and translate that into my paintings.



I am simply in love with European towns. Old houses have a charm that I can simply not resist.

Online painting Classes

Invest into your creativity and learn in the comfort of your home at your own pace.

Art critic

I am so lucky and honored that my paintings had caught the attention of art historian François Speraza  who wrote an art critic about my work. Thank you so much! (in french)

It is published in 'Art et lettre' in Belgium and will be part of a  book in 2018.



Home & Garden - August / September / October 2021 magazine


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